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#ironinc much Joe?

If there ever vas a time⌚ for a strong US 🇺🇸 president. It is right now. More zan a billion people of zaEarth are crying out for democracy

  • we got a real #MullahFucker in Iran 🇮🇷
    who is oppressing 1/2 his people
  • #XiYouLater‘s people are trying to rise up
  • If you only had ze stones. Ask Dr. Jill
    if you can borrow zem
irony much joe

#Ironinc much joe? You talk constantly of democracy.
However, now iz not ze time to talk it’s time to act. Zis iz too rich

Two of your enemies und BRICS‘s main countries could be kaput, slightly nudged, or just reorganized. Zere are at least a billion of people crying out for justice they want a small taste of democracy. Right now zey are literally slaves in zere own country. If you wanted to help zem it vould just take a little bit of meddling or nudging. Simultaneously you vould neutralize a very real pending threat. Zey vould be neutralized from within und zis vill not be another forever war. If you accomplished zis you vould undoubtedly get a second term. If you fail ze USA 🇺🇸 vill be sucking hind tit for ze next two forever’s. A chance like zis vill probably not come around again zis century. But instead you would rather back real Nazis in Ukraine 🇺🇦. I don’t get it.