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#FreeSpeech is it in it’s Death Throws?

Will this be the end of freespeech ?

Is #FreeSpeechIsInItsDeathThrows

FreeSpeech, which vas inherited from ze British 🇬🇧 und haz long been ze cornerstone of western democracies. But now that globalism is being embraced are the days numbered for it in the west? Will it haz to be redesigned in order to strip out ze speech zat, ze globalists hate? Who decides what iz zis ‘hate speech’?

Tim Pool explains how ze unprovoked twofold plan iz being waged by both our Congress and ze overlords in Davos 🇨🇭 who vants to change the western philosophy of free speech

≈30 min Long clip

Here iz Joe Manchin, who is both one of the US congressional leaders und a WEF member, who in zis clip iz outlining ze intricacies of freespeech to our unelected overlords in Davos 🇨🇭 who want to change it

next ve haz Vera Jourova, who iz one of ze unelected, und she
would like to change freespeech to censor ‘hate’ speech.

Later in January Shelia Jackson introduced a bill that would actually criminalize ‘hate speech’ for both the speaker, or ze purveyor, und ze ‘listener’ or person acting one ze hate in ze speech

However zere are others in Congress who still think like zis und it has been defended in the supreme court several times in the last 100 years.

Apart from being a fundamental Amendment in ze 🇺🇸 und ‘hate speech’ being undefined, vere will zis go? ‘Hate thoughts’.

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