History professor, Glow🌐 Ball Leader’s right hand man. 🫱👩🦲
all you need to know is …
Yuval Noah Harari iz a showing progress und one day vill be Glow🌐 Ball leader. However, he likes too spills the beans🫘 🫘.
He recently told TED all about it in zis one. He drones on for un hour. He holds nothzing back HA-HA. He haz no fear for you vill all be dead or happily owning nothzing. and You say zomething like: ‘He iz such a fucking
Israeli pole smoker 🇮🇱💈🚬 +’er’,
Israeli turd burglar 🇮🇱💩💰🦹♂️, or
Israeli Batty boy 🪥🧒.
he iz GÜD right hand 🫱👩🦲 man und successor?
You should keep silent and quit sounding like an anti Semite homophobe.
Yuval Noah Harari iz a good, um…
er … SNAP! Ya vol, He is a fucking Glow🌐 Ballist. Go a head and have at him, but make sure you hate on him for ze right reasons.
Remember do not volunteer to be ze first one in your pod sector to get a ‘head jack’ or neural interface. Especially if Bill Gates 🫃🖥️ haz anyzing to do with eet. Zey vill be vorking bugs out for years.
Sci-fi and technology have not met up yet.