Giorgia Meloni ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐น Italy’s National ๐๐lists leader
Before you start bitching about her throwing that arm up. I’ve vatched hours of the History Channel in ze late 90’s back when they played every reel they uncovered from ๐ฉ๐ช after WW2 when they were called ze Nazi Channel you vould know that that is the wrong angle for a salute. You vould have been sent srtr8 to ze Goolog if you threw one sloppy assed salute. Besides ze page I crimed zis from said it was a ๐ to ze crowd at a party gig where she spoke out against spoke against ze EU, WEF and Nato Glow๐ Ballists
The glow ball media needs to slam her more. Make shit up if you have to
People of za Earth velcome to ze WWE vs WEF’s show case down In ze right corner have Chancellor:
Giorgia Meloni ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐น Italy’s National ๐๐lists leader
She iz the 1st member of ze National ๐๐lists debut here.
ve are only waiting for ze other National ๐๐lists to arrive. zen I vill announce that zere are no rulez in zis cage match…