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TurD’oh 💩🇨🇦 Mustgo – Busted Giving Loonies to a Loony

TurD’oh 💩🇨🇦 Mustgo – Busted Giving Loonies to a Loony

Ze flip-side of being transparent is that they can see through your diabolical plans. Especially if you announce zem publicly. Vere iz my loyal henchman und right hand man Yuval Harari 🫱👨‍🦲 I need an update on ze super double secret squirrel ‘Mind Control’ project. How else can ve cover up Mr. TurD’oh 💩🇨🇦 Mustgo – Busted Giving Loonies to a Loony. Maybe he is not ze#TrudeauMustGo Glow🌐Ball Leader he vas cracked up to be

Oops zis one iz long und many ‘theories’ are discussed I forgot to note which minute was relevent to zis
I got stuck on ze dismantling of ze EU at 1:14

If you don’t like watching the clips zen ‘Extra extra read all about it