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zee Big Blue Marble or3rd stepping stone from ze ☀️

Everything you ever want to know.

Butt, you were afraid to ask:

Ze details of my life are rather inconsequential.
I was born 3/30/1938 .in Ravensburg, De 🇩🇪 which is a subdivision of Kehlsteinhaus, De 🇩🇪. Commonly known as the Eagles nest. A scant 185 Miles away.

Klaus(Anal) Schwab🍑🇨🇭there are many sides to zis complx man all are evil
Anal Schwab🍑🇨🇭 Supreme Leader & head Tyrant World Economic Foramen. Remember listen and obey;whether I’m sporting shades 🕶 or no. Not pictured are the antlers Joe Rogan guessed I don when I’m in chambers when I’m to wear in rutting. I assume Zuckerberg let it slip out. Things are always slipping out of him
Not mein Fazer
Not mein fazer Eugen Schwab who was was Nazish he had a camp of his own in Germany you would think Klaus wouldn’t be like Eugen, but you would be wrong

For ze record:

Ze oft repeated rumors about my ties to the Nazis are not completely untrue. My fathzer was more of a zympathizer than a card carrying member of ze Gestapo. You got to do what you got to do when ze Nazis are in control. Mom had a pretty normal life, for a Rothschild

Zis is a picture of Eugen Schwab’s details.

Beautiful Davos is on the German side of Switzerland🇨🇭.

@SchwabAnal <– contact me here

Privacy disclaimer n shit ✒️💼 n💩

Mr Biden und your admin you got a little explaining to do.

Welcome willkommen أهلا


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#Symore Hersh in a newish

#Sy3 UPDATE:20230307

Your government wouldn’t lie to you. Right?

No wonder #FreeSpeech is in it’s Death Throws

Ze New🆕whirled🌐oder smells 🦨 more like the Old world oder.

ZOON It fixt. It’z bugz zo many of zem. In ze mean time you know ze deal you will own nothing und be happy. Eat 🐛 want to zee

Check back here for furzer Developments:
Zome Highlites of Lowlifes Up to ze month–v
zis iz stoopidly long hashtag that you probably vant. Kind of catchinc but dumb.

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