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CUM on USA it’s Only 100,000,000 More People

Iz it still a conspiracy theory if it iz true?

Say what you want to about the guys above but Laura Logan has won 3 Emmy’s and has been nominated for 9

People of ze USA are sleeping. If they don’t wake soon they will be living in CUM
CUM = Ca🇨🇦 Us🇺🇸 Mx🇲🇽

WEF’s 2015 map

startinc ± 65,000 years a go

Zo far zis plan iz vorking. Ze USA has 5 million more people, only 95 million more to go. Currently ze 🇺🇸 people are 💤. Vill zey ⏰ vake up und push back ? Zey had better doeet zoon or eet vill be too late zo long Ca, USA, und Mx you are livinc in CUM* now.

Ze LSM (Lame Stream Media) haz had to work extra hard to try to ‘whitewash’ the evil underbelly und corruption in Ukraine.

However, zince there haz been allegation of war crimes brought against Ukraines Azof battalion ze vheels are startinc to come off