Zis is Anal Schwab, your host from ze WEF’s annual summer conference at Davos🇨🇭 . Zere has been much Resistance to ‘ESG”s📉 all over ze za vorld.
Norse America
Ze world’s attention distracted vith zis:
vere Elon Musk Revealed ESG is a scam
Zey should be distracted by zis
I see HeirPedoBitler🤡🇺🇸 iz doing his best too normalize pedophilia, uh, NAPS. Nein MAPS. Perhaps ze disgraced actor Kevin Spacey vill help unveil the new PRIDE flag, with ze vith either
an ice blue stripe representing tears shed; or, ze blood red stripe for representation of this once internationally forBIDEN crime. It turns out they already had one circa 2019