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#ResistWorld🌀Farmers vith 👨‍🌾Dutch🇳🇱

CAUTION / SPOILER ALERT. Cominc soon to your neck of ze Whirled:
zis page uses comedy shtick,descriptions of sex, und zings of zis nature to describe ze climate crisis / land grab currently going on in ze Netherlands. In ze shell of a nut, big people shit. If you haz your bic girl panties on und feel like learning about climate change, land management, und ze ‘nitrogen crisis‘ as it relates to Dutch politics carry on. Zeese things are presented here in a unique, science based format discussed from ze local perspektiv. If your mind iz open und allas clar, please proceed.Other vize go here now.

#Resist #WorldFarmersResist

Did cows 🐄 cause global 🌍climate changeΔ ?

  • ‘Nein, Bullscheiße!’ say’s Neflen 🤠 mein fictitious cousin
  • ‘If I had a dollar for every time a cow pissed on a flat rock I’d be richer than Blackrock
  • ‘zufällig 🐮’s haz being pissing on flat rocks for thousands of years. By ze way if you are close enough to witness this then stand back zis iz ze origin of ze term ‘splash damage’. However, ‘the nitrogen crisis’ iz new,but, government land grabs are not’.
  • Que up ze Eddie Murphy does Ed & Ralph from ze Honeymooners’.
  • **Note ze ‘I know that you know. That I know that you know.’ bit
  • . Zat iz ze just of eet.
  • Ze metaphor iz perfect. ze🇳🇱 👨‍🌾are Ralph und he iz getting fucked by Ed. Vhich in zis case iz zome NGO’s und hiz own government.
  • Both parties are aware ESG iz a land grab scam based on bad science. Bottom line ze 👨‍🌾🇳🇱 farmers vill prevail.

#ResistWorld🌀Farmers vith 👨‍🌾Dutch🇳🇱 (Internal Resit linkz)

Executive Summary

James Patrick from Washington DC is recording a documentary on the politically created nitrogen crisis, that the Dutch Rutte-government uses to push farmers out of business for it’s corporate and internationalist allies. As a sciencejournalist involved in research and debate on nature conservation for 20 years, i will be interviewed on Sunday.
In order to make a sound documentary that hits the nail, instead of scratching the surface, i sent him this ‘short history of Dutch/European Nature policy from 1992 onward’. In short, we see how the goverment uses ‘nitrogen’ as an excuse to spend 25 billion euro’s of taxpayers money to concentrate more farmland in the hands of a few state-controlled organizations.
This practice is already operating since 1992, where under the flag of ‘nature development’ 110 thousand hectares of farmland was bought by government. We conclude with the observation, that the government knows on what weak ground it is operating, in both the judicial sense and in the scientific underpinnings of it’s policy. 

Whirled🌀Farmers Unite vith 👨‍🌾Dutch🚜🇳🇱

of course you vill eat ze verms Und vey are just like mum used to make save me a bag of salt und vinegar. scrumptious 🪱🇧🇼 i haz ze drooling


  • Ze popularity of fake meat is declining
  • Bugz are more of a side dish, but you could mash zem up if you like